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- -----------------------------------------
- ------------ REQUIREMENTS -------------
- -----------------------------------------
- You don't need any PeeCee, any Mac, only an AMIGA with a minimun of 1 meg
- of CHIP.
- Forest Fight runs on OS 1.3, 2.04, 3.0 and should run on other one.
- Be sure that your AMIGA is built around a 680X0 processor and that will be
- OK ;-)
- Note that is better when you dispose of 2 or more meg of memory because you
- can configure Forest Fight to load all files into memory before playing to
- avoid disc access, see Tool Type and Command Line for more details ...
- Rem : Mathtrans.library is needed in your libs: path.
- ---
- For OS 1.3, the file Ram-Handler is needed in your l: path if you use
- the tool type RAM=YES.
- -----------------------------------------
- ------------ INSTALLATION -------------
- -----------------------------------------
- Installation is the easiest as possible : just be sure that all the .abk
- files are in the same directory. The name of this directory is free.
- The archive should contain 25 files :
- - ForestFight
- - ForestFight.info
- - ForestFight.Guide
- - ForestFight.Guide.info
- - ForestFight.txt
- - ForestFight.txt.info
- - ForestFight.readme
- - Amal.abk
- - Bob.abk
- - Fin.iff.abk
- - Icon.abk
- - Menudata1.abk
- - Menudata2.abk
- - Menusprite.abk
- - Mod.intro.abk
- - Music 1.abk
- - Music 2.abk
- - Music 3.abk
- - Music 4.abk
- - Music 5.abk
- - Pacpres.abk
- - Sample1.abk
- - Sample2.abk
- - Sample3.abk
- - Sample4.abk
- That's OK ?, well !! You can enjoy ForestFight now !!!
- -----------------------------------------
- ---------- TOOL TYPE & CLI -----------
- -----------------------------------------
- You have to double click on the icon named 'ForestFight'.
- The executable program MUST HAVE the name 'ForestFight' or the icon will
- not be recognized for the tools.
- This icon has 2 tool types :
- -SPEED=positiv real number like 1.8 for example
- For a 68020 SPEED=2 is a good choice,
- For a 68000 SPEED=3.2 is quite good,
- For faster Amigas, try a little lower than 2 until your boom-
- rang has a reasonnable speed when flying.
- Put YES if you've got 2 meg RAM or more. In this case, all
- files will be loaded into memory so there won't be disc
- access during the game. When Quitting ForestFight, these files
- will be removed from memory by the programm, don't care !
- Put NO if you've got less than 2 meg RAM.
- Open a Shell Window and go in the ForestFight directory with CD command.
- Then type : forestfight [SPEED=(real number)] [RAM=YES|NO]
- The optionnal parameters SPEED and RAM are fully discribed above.
- Default values are SPEED=2 and RAM=NO.
- -----------------------------------------
- ---------- GAME DESCRIPTION -----------
- -----------------------------------------
- 1)Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ForestFight is a balistic type game playable only with 2 humans. The aim
- of this game is to kill the opponent with a boomrang shoot !
- But you'll be surprised by the action of many details during the game
- like Wind, Birds, Sun and some extrabonus available on the top of the trees.
- 2)The menu screen
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Before beginning the duel, you can configure several options on the menu
- screen.
- 'Nombre de vies' is the number of lives each player has at the beginning
- of the game.
- 'Bonus' is On or No to set/unset the possibilitie to have bonus at the
- beginning of the fight.
- 'Vent' is On or No to activate/desactivate wind inclemency.
- 'Soleil' is On or No to allow/forbid the sun to eat your boomrang.
- 'Oiseau' is On or No to activate/disactivate the thief bird.
- The ESC key sends you back to workbench !
- Ok, your game is as you want ?, now it's time to click on 'Jouer' to play.
- 3)During the game
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A random forest is created for the duel. First you begin by choosing
- where to put your man. You've got 5 possibilities (5 arrows).
- When the 2 players are placed the battle can start. If the bonus option is
- ON then some bonus will fall on the top of trees.
- Now the first player is asked for two parameters in the requester screen
- at the bottom.
- 'Angle' is the angle of your shoot in degrees,
- 'Force' is the strenght of your shoot (useally beetween 50-200),
- note that for angle<20 the strenght is limited to 50.
- Confirm your values on the 'OK' question.
- Some informations are displayed on the requester screen :
- - the remaining lives of each player.
- - the 'vent' indication show the wind direction and its strenght (<3).
- - SPACE BAR allow you to see the full battle screen to have a better
- apprehention of the values to input. SPACE BAR again to come back.
- - HELP key describes the four possible bonus.
- The ESC key sends you back to menu screen !
- The "M" key changes the background rythm !
- When the opponent has no more lives you WIN !!!
- 4)Bonus desciption
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Five types of bonus are available :
- 1. HIDE TWICE : when you hit this one, your man will disappear on the
- next two shoots of your opponents, very usefull !!
- 2. DOUBLE SHOOT : you can now fire twice.
- 3. RC-BALL : is a Radio Controlled Boomrang, available only one time,
- control it with the MOUSE, fun, fun !!
- You've got only 6 seconds to touch the opponent !
- RCball is unaffected by wind, sun, birds.
- 4. FIREBALL : is a fire ball which can fly through the trees, the best !
- Fireball is unaffected by sun, birds.
- 5. EXTRA LIVES : gives you 2 extra lives, always usefull !!
- Now you know all the secrets of this game (all ?, may be not !) so just
- one advice : !!! ENJOY IT !!!
- -----------------------------------------
- ------------- WHO AM I ?? --------------
- -----------------------------------------
- My name is Sylvain ZANGIACOMI and I love developping under AMOS PRO.
- To have fun with AMOS, you don't need a powerfull AMIGA, I've just a A500+
- but it's still alive.
- Well this game --ForestFight-- has been created in september 1997 on my
- configuration : A500+ with 9 Meg, a MTEC 68020/68881 and an IDE HD540.
- I thanks my friend CHAFIK for the 'End Screen', drawing is very difficult
- for me.
- May be, you like balistic games very much, so try my first one : DUELCITY
- available on Aminet, or write me to have source (try to improve !).
- My address is : 21 chemin du CrĂȘt
- 69570 DARDILLY
- Tel :
- If you are an AMOS fan, send me a postal card !!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Try my other Amos Games like Duelcity, Demineur, Snacky, Snacky Folies-
- - -
- - All can be downloaded from Aminet -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Amiga Forever !!!!!
- Amiga Forever !!!!!
- Amiga Forever !!!!!
- Amiga Forever !!!!!
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- Amiga Forever !!!!!
- Amiga Forever !!!!!
- Amiga Forever !!!!!
- Amiga Forever !!!!!